Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

I know I said I was going to update daily with how and what I’ve eaten….. EAT ME! šŸ˜¦

Sorry for the outburst. I just keep forgetting, LOL. But I have started to lose weight, which is a good thing but also I’m not too sure if I’ve been losing it kind of fast because I haven’t really been keeping track of my weight. I don’t want to lose it too fast… that’s what she said. Right? I can’t remember now. I wasn’t really listening to her to be honest.

So I decided I’m going to start reading this book I bought that’s in Spanish. I bought it in Spain thinking it was a Spanish author but it turns out it’s an American author and it’s only a transcribed copy into Spanish. HAHAHA I guess I got fooled. Oh well, it will still help me practice my Spanish.


Nothing else has really been going on. Work is great, staying busy, and I’ve been getting out to see some condos and townhomes in the midtown area. I’m glad I’m starting early because I’m learning a lot in just the last two weeks. It’ll help me make a more clear and educated decision come the end of the year.


Anyway. Back to work.

  1. you are so funny, handsome,and quite an interesting individual… love your posts šŸ™‚

  2. and you are so kind, generous, and presumably “pretty inside” judging by your comment and the fact that you remain anonymous šŸ™‚ Thank You!

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